Stocking Fillers 

Sourcing affordable stocking fillers for kids can be a pain, especially if you are around your kids all the time. I’ve put together two lists of my top ten stocking fillers One thing I always cherish about being little and Christmas is the special stockings my mum would make for us (all 5 of my siblings I may add). It would be the first thing you would open on Christmas morning and you could be sure it would be full of little of little puzzles and always would include a tangerine.

For the first and second Christmas’s, we didn’t really think to do a Christmas stocking for Max, he was so young we just didn’t think he would appreciate it. What with him turning three next month the time has come to start up the age-old tradition.

With kids, you can’t really give to one without the other, even at 14 months Kai is very aware of what Max has, so I decided to do the boys an age-appropriate stocking each.

I attended a blogging Christmas conference a few months ago and the samples we received during the day gave me lots of ideas to kick-start the stocking.

As there are two stockings to fill I’ve been trying to keep the costs as low as I can, picking up bargains as I come across them whilst out shopping. I’ve really enjoyed sourcing fun things for the boys, Kai’s has proven slightly more challenging because he is so young, but with a little imagination, it’s very achievable.

The whole point of the stocking is for the gifts to be fun novelty presents. Its the warm-up before the main Christmas event as such.

We received a sample pot of this when we attended Blog On in September. I had seen the dough in the entertainer, but as Max already had the Play-Doh brand I totally overlooked it. The pots are larger than your standard play-doh, the dough is softer than the doh. Best of all you can buy 4 posts for £2.00 at the entertainer. My plan is to take one out and keep the rest for treats during the year. This is a great product if you have more than one child to create a stocking for.

This is another product I came across at the conference. The liquid lava is like a slime except it doesn’t come apart or stick to your hands. The putty is very versatile you can pull and stretch it every which way, it even bounces. The putty comes in a variety of colours, Bright, metallic, transparent and glows in the dark. Never mind the kids playing with this, I can see myself giving it a go on Christmas morning.

Hands up if you are old enough to remember Tamagotchi as a child. Virtual pets are the version for the kids of today. With 32 pets to choose from, its guaranteed there’s something for everyone. It’s compact and simple to use. I think Max will love this, at just £4.99 I think this will be great in his stocking. I’m not too sure if he will be able to look after a pet successfully, I just know he’ll have an amazing time trying.

Max has decided just recently that he is a Spiderman fan, in fact, he sat through pretty much the whole lastest movie lately. This Spiderman egg cup comes with a toast cutter, which is a really cute touch. Armed with a little red spoon this is a must for any Spidey fan. I predict Max will want to egg eggs on Christmas morning.

These cute squidgy figurines seem to be a big hit amongst kids at the moment. There soft like a stress ball, priced at around £2.99 they aren’t too expensive, being quite small in size makes them the perfect stocking size.

Last years biggest toy “Hatichmals” an egg that hatches a furry friend. These blind bags look just as cute but at a slightly more affordable price. You need to rub the purple heart for the “egg” to hatch. They form Colleggtables, the beauty of a blind bag is that you never know what your getting, which just adds to the fun.

I’m actually loving this website for sourcing cute affordable stocking fillers. I chose this cup for Max’s stocking because it’s just so Christmassy. I may end up letting him have it before Christmas because I can’t wait to see his face when we put his Horlicks in and he sees the nose turn from black to red.

This cute little plushie comes as part of an online game Personally, the game will be too complicated for Max, it won’t hold his attention for very long. In the name of research, I’ve had a quick go this evening and it’s highly addictive. Reminence of the game Snake, the worm eat’s the orbs to grow bigger in size, touch another worm and its game over. We were sent a plushie which would be great in a young uns stocking, Kai instantly fell in love with it. A blind bag, a pack of 3 (which you could use one each in three different stockings, and some super cute mini

I wasn’t sure how these rubber worms would go down with the kids, but hands-on heart they actually love them. Max is using them for imaginative play and Kai likes to chew on them, so really it’s a win-win.

I’ve definitely been on the lookout when I’ve been out for affordable or bespoke stocking fillers for Max. We recently had a trip to Paultons Park and we picked up this really sweet “Grow a Dinosaur egg”, I think it was £2.00 its something Max will absolutely love being a bit dinosaur mad.

The Entertainer has been a great place to source relatively cheap items for Max’s stocking, I’m very aware of what I’m spending and am trying very hard for it to not spiral out of control in terms of the cost. After all its meant to be just a little extra for when he wakes not the main event.

Today I managed to pick up a slinky for a pound from The Entertainer, I’ll have to take it out of the box but as it’s quite small it should fit in the sock perfectly.

Grow your own snow is also going to be featured, you can pick up tubes of fake snow almost anywhere now, you just need to add water.

I searched high and low for a half decent affordable stocking for all these gorgeous gifts to be packaged in for the big day. I figured I’m sure I can find something nice in the pound shop or B & M, sadly I didn’t find anything that felt special enough, so we opted to splash a bit of cash and buy a personalised stocking online. At £7.99 each they are more expensive than if we have paid £1.00 in the pound shop. I’m hoping these will last throughout the years, then they can go in their memory box.

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